
Capital Town: Dodoma

United Republic of Tanzania is a country formed after the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Islands in 1964 just 3 years after Tanganyika gained independence from United Kingdom. Tanzania is one of the most peaceful countries in Africa. The country population approaches 56 million and 80% of population is living in rural area and only 20% of population is living in urban.

There are more than 120 tribes in Tanzania and each tribe has its own language, countries official languages are Swahili and English.

 Christianity religion is widely spread countrywide followed by Muslim and Indigenous religion. This makes Tanzania to be multi-cultural country as people are close to Arabic, Western and African culture.

 Tourism sector has grown in the country and has become the second important sector economically. Tanzania is rich in Flora and Fauna as well as landscapes and these attracts many tourists all over the World to visit the Country. Tanzania is the home of famous Serengeti, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar Island. All these attractions are the light of tourism industry. In 2013 Tanzania was named the best safari country in Africa due to its Wildlife, Cultural wealth, geographical features as well as hospitality of Tanzanians.

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