Ruaha National Park

Is the biggest National Park in Tanzania located 130 km west of Iringa town, Ruaha covers 20,226 km sq, previously the park covered 10,330 sq km but in 2008 the park was extended as Usangu Game Reserve area was added as a part of Ruaha National Park.


The park history begins in 1910 as it was Gazzeted Saba Game Reserve by the Germans, and then in 1946 the name was changed by British to Rungwa Game Reserve. In 1974 the Rungwa Game reserve was Gazzeted Ruaha National Park.


Only 20% of the park is actually accessed by road this left large part of the park completely untouched. Ruaha has 574 species of birds, 1,650 plants species has been recorded in the park. Ruaha has the highest concentration of elephants than any other National park in East Africa. The elephant’s population is estimated to reach 10,000. The park is also famous for big herds of African buffalos, zebra, giraffes, antelopes. There also many predators like Leopards, Cheetahs, Lions, Wild dogs, hyena as well as jackal. Many Hippos and Crocodiles can be spotted easily at Great Ruaha River.


Ruaha represents the transition zone where Southern and Eastern Africa species Flora and Fauna overlap. The park is characterized by semi-arid type of vegetation big trees like baobab, acacia and other species.


Possible Activities:

  • Game drive
  • Walking safari
  • Visit a nearby maasai boma
  • Nature walking
  • Visit nearby Ismila stone age
  • Visit Tungamalenga village